Wednesday, January 14, 2009


See, I told you I would probably not have the time to figure this out or keep it up. I will continue to give it a try though....

Okay so we are well into January and a start of a new year, I must say that I am okay with saying goodbye to 2008, and I can only hope that 2009 is a little better to us!!! I think we have our last surgery from the wreck behind us,(for now) Dale is recovering from his shoulder being repaired, it was definately a Christmas break we don't want to repeat (especially Dale)...but we are counting our blessings each and every day that we are all still alive and that we have each other. I can truly say that the one good thing I have taken from this whole wreck experience is that it has definately put things back into perspective for me!!! I look at things alot different then I did and I really have learned to appreciate and cherish the little, simple things in life. We are also very lucky that we have such great family and friends that were there for us.

We do hope that everyone had a good holiday season and that 2009 is starting off well for each of you.